Name and Surname
How do you rate the quality of our solutions?
Excellent - Impeccable service, exceeding expectations. Good - High quality service, satisfactory in every aspect. Satisfactory - Adequate service, with little room for improvement. Insufficient - Service that does not fully meet expectations. Poor - Unsatisfactory service, requires significant improvement.
How do you rate the punctuality of delivery and installation?
Excellent - Impeccable service, exceeding expectations. Good - High quality service, satisfactory in every aspect. Satisfactory - Adequate service, with little room for improvement. Insufficient - Service that does not fully meet expectations. Poor - Unsatisfactory service, requires significant improvement.
How do you rate the technical support and assistance received after purchase/installation?
Excellent - Impeccable service, exceeding expectations. Good - High quality service, satisfactory in every aspect. Satisfactory - Adequate service, with little room for improvement. Insufficient - Service that does not fully meet expectations. Poor - Unsatisfactory service, requires significant improvement.
How do you rate the value for money of our solutions?
Excellent - Impeccable service, exceeding expectations. Good - High quality service, satisfactory in every aspect. Satisfactory - Adequate service, with little room for improvement. Insufficient - Service that does not fully meet expectations. Poor - Unsatisfactory service, requires significant improvement
How satisfied are you overall with your cooperation with our company?
Excellent - Impeccable service, exceeding expectations. Good - High quality service, satisfactory in every aspect. Satisfactory - Adequate service, with little room for improvement. Insufficient - Service that does not fully meet expectations. Poor - Unsatisfactory service, requires significant improvement.